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Galapagos aboard Angelito Yacht 8 Days ITINERARY "A"

Superior Tourist - Cruise
  • Transport
  • Sight Seeing
  • Food

ANGELITO was the nickname of the grandfather Angel, who in 1960 helped his two grandsons Leonardo and Hugo Andrade to build their first fishing boat. This boat enabled the Galapagos born brothers to earn a living and support their families.
As pioneers in the Galapagos, they gave up fishing and converted their boat to be able to tour visitors. By leaving fishing, they took the important first step to actively promoting the protection and conservation of the Galapagos Islands.
After more than a decade of working in tourism, the brothers used their experience that they learned from that first small boat to build a new Yacht, the ANGELITO I., which was launched in 1992.
Evolution goes on! The ANGELITO I. was totally refurbished in the summer of 2013. The high quality of craftsmanship was maintained while the amount of space and comfort level was increased. The 8 double cabins are now on the main deck and include large picture windows, private bathrooms, individual air conditioning and the option to have twin beds or a double bed.
With 2 new engines, 2 new generators and all new electric and electronic installations, the safety, which is our first priority, is guaranteed.


 North Seymour 

 AM: Baltra Airport

 PM: North Seymour 




 AM: Chinese Hat

 PM: Bartolome Island



 AM: Prince Phillip´s Steps

 PM: Darwin Bay




 AM: Egas Port

 PM: Rabida Island


 Santa Cruz

 AM: Charles Darwin Station 

 PM: Highlands

FRI  Española

 AM: Suarez Point

 PM: Gardner Bay


 Santa Fe

Plaza Sur

AM: Santa Fe Island

PM: Plaza Sur Island

SUN  Santa Cruz

AM: Black Turtle Cove

AM: Baltra Airport


DAY 1 

You will arrive at Baltra in the morning. After going through immigration and baggage claim, you will be met by an Angelito staff member and transferred to the yacht. You will be shown to your cabin where you will have some time to settle in before lunch and a welcome briefing.


Located slightly to the north of the island of Baltra, North Seymour is a low, flat island, formed as a result of the uplift caused by magma build up below. It is covered with low, bushy vegetation and contains the largest colony of magnificent Frigate birds in the Galapagos; Land Iguanas are common here too.  There is also a population of Blue-Footed Boobies that perform an amusing courtship dance when nesting conditions are right, making this one of the highlights of the visit. 

DAY 2 

In the morning, we will visit Sombrero Chino, near the coast of Santiago Island. At the top of this small island is a perfectly formed crater, which resembles the silhouette of a "Chinese hat." Only plants adapted enough can stand among the fragile lava. The sea lions inhabit their white coral beaches, surrounded by shrubs that adapt to brackish soils.


Hike to Bartolomé's summit for a stronger perspective of the islands' not-too-distant volcanic origins, and enjoy a panoramic view – it’s one of the best among the islands! See other Galápagos Islands in the distance as well as Pinnacle Rock, the island’s famous towering landmark. Spot Galápagos penguins — the only species of penguin found north of the Equator — walking precariously along narrow volcanic ledges at the base.                              

DAY 3 

PRINCE PHILIP’S STEPS  (GENOVESA ISLAND)                                                        

This day you will do a dry landing to climb Prince Philip’s Steps. The steep ascend takes you 100 feet above sea level, to be welcomed by the elegant silhouette of red billed tropic bird and the aerobatic Galapagos shearwater, both interact with the precipice on fast approaches. The lava rock trail takes through the endemic dwarf incense tree forest, to find more red footed “lancers” nesting and many of their gannet like relatives, the Nazcas, loudly claiming the floor as their residence. The Palo Santo forest is dormant most of the year, to awaken in the rainy season and contaminate the air with a refreshing aroma. As you exit the latent trees your breath may cease by the panorama of thousands of storm petrels flying erratically beyond the lava flows. This is the perfect scenario for the island predator to make a successful kill. The short-eared owl, known elsewhere around the world as a nocturnal predator, in Genovesa hunts in bright daylight. More cat than owl, waits patiently outside lava tunnels and crevasses to capture the stormy petrels as they leave their houses after feeding their young.

Snorkeling on Tower offers a view of a wide variety of tropical fish.  

DARWIN BAY                                                               

The welcome gives us the beautiful cacophony of one of the largest tropical sea bird colony of the planet. The cliff tops are decorated with frigate birds, red-footed boobies, Nazca boobies, swallow tailed gulls, tropic birds and many other pelagic animals. Darwin Bay is the home of many nesting sea birds. Following a wet landing and with the early morning light you will blend in with the red-footed boobies displaying for potential mates as they collect nesting material. The great frigate birds inflate their gulag sacks hoping to attract a female while others play their favorite game: piracy. Darwin’s finches, Galapagos doves and mocking birds stroll the ground to find seeds and insects. The red mangroves, cactus and saltbushes contrast with the blue sky and the dark basaltic walls.

DAY 4 


Also known as  Egas Port, has magical shorelines that combine tuff cone, lava flows and organic sand. A rocky coast with a very gentle slope is used by a great number of shore birds and reptiles. Oystercatchers, whimbrels, sanderlings, turnstones, tattlers and other waders are mixed with marine iguanas and bright painted crabs to feed by the rich littoral zone. As grand finally, large lava tunnels, that are partially collapsed, are the houses of the Galapagos fur sea lions. The snorkel can be one of the best in the archipelago. Sea turtles feeding, parrot fishes, damsel fishes, white tipped reef sharks and many more…                                                   

RABIDA ISLAND                                                                         

Galapagos offers a diversity of geological formations without boundaries. The island of Rabida has lavas rich in iron and after millions of years of exposure to air they have turned red. The rusted volcanic material has eroded to form a beautiful crimson sand beach, lovely for a walk. The protected shore provides excellent conditions for a Galapagos sea lions nursery and brown pelicans use the nearby saltbushes as a resting and nesting area. Hawks and mocking birds are common visitors of the lowlands. Furthermore, you will find that snorkeling of the beach can be very exiting as sharks, rays and many colorful fish are often visible.

DAY 5 


Visit the Charles Darwin Research Station, a science organization initiated in 1964, which works to preserve the Galápagos' ecosystem through the conservation efforts of scientists, researchers, and volunteers. It also provides a study location for international scientists and training for Naturalist Guides. Tour the exhibition center to see photo displays of recent volcanic eruptions, charts outlining geological formations, and drawings of the evolutionary development of endemic species.

The station is also a great place to observe many species of tortoises and land iguanas in captivity, brought back from the brink of extinction. See the famous Galápagos tortoise up close – a corral houses adult tortoises, and a nursery cares for the young until around age three when their shells have hardened.


Head to Santa Cruz’s verdant highlands and the El Chato Reserve, a perfect place to see giant tortoises in their natural environment. Explore the reserve’s lagoon and lava tunnels, keeping an eye out for owls that often roost in the tunnels’ entrances.

DAY 6 


Head to Suarez Point on Española Island, the southernmost island in the Galápagos archipelago and home to several wildlife species. Hike to the top of the cliff for spectacular photo opportunities, and explore the island's untamed natural beauty.


Visit Gardner Bay's magnificent white sandy beach, home to sea lions and sea birds. Be sure to explore the beautiful turquoise water and its incredible sea life. Spot young sea lions and large schools of surprisingly big tropical fish, including yellow-tailed surgeonfish, king angelfish, and bump-head parrot fish.

DAY 7 


Visit Santa Fe for amazing wildlife watching opportunities. Hike towards the cliffs along the island's northern shore to view the forest of giant prickly pear cactus (Opuntia), which is home to endemic land iguanas. It is also one of the best locations to see sea turtles, swim with sea lions, and get a glimpse of a white tip reef shark.              


Visit South Plaza, one of the smallest islands in the Galápagos, which has one of the largest populations of land iguanas. Walk along a path through a cactus forest and view a combination of dry and coastal vegetation on this lively island, home to a wide range of fauna, including incredible birdlife. Spot red-billed tropicbirds and indigenous swallow-tailed gulls resting on the cliffs, and sea lions playing in the waters.      

DAY 8 


Explore the mangroves by panga to find rich marine wildlife between the fresh and salt waters. Keep any eye out for manta rays and sea turtles in this tranquil ecosystem. White tip reef sharks can also be seen gliding by.

After this final visit, you will be transferred to the Baltra airport in time for your flight back to the mainland.

Important: Itineraries are unlikely to change significantly but are subject to change. Weather, wildlife breeding, safety concerns, instructions from the Galapagos National Park, specific abilities and interests of passengers as well as operational matters may cause your guide or captain to change the time or nature of visits. Your guide and captain will always endeavor to select the best itinerary within these limits.

Yacht Name: Angelito
Category: Tourist Superior Class
Capacity: 16 Passengers
Type: Motor Yacht
Length: 22m (70 feet)
Beam: 6.6m (22 feet)
Speed: 10 Knots
Propulsion: 2 Cummin engines (new Oct 98), 300 HP each
Equipment: 2 generators for 110 and 220 V (plug socket 110 V), VHF and SSB marine radios, radar, depth sounder, G.P.S. 2 tenders (dinghies) with outboard motors, life-jackets.
Safety equipment that fulfil the highest standards, complying with international Coast Guard regulations..
Gues Accommodations:  8 double cabins each with toilet and shower. All cabins with air conditioning and fan
Crew: Captain, multilingual naturalist guide, first mate, mechanic, 2 sailors, cook and auxiliar cook


Cost Includes:
  • All transfers in Galapagos: Airport-Yacht-Airport
  • Accommodation in double cabins.
  • Three meals a day, drinking water, tea or coffe
  • Excursions in the islands with English Speaking Nature Guide.
Cost Excludes:
  • Galapagos National Park Tax: USD 100.00 to be paid in cash in Galapagos
  • Galapagos Transit Card: USD 20.00 per person
  • Soft drinks and alcoholics beverages.
  • Snorkeling Equipment
  • Tips.