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Galapagos aboard Millennium Catamaran 6 Days " C "

First Class - Cruise
  • Transport
  • Sight Seeing
  • Food

The Millenium is a beautiful and modern 16 passenger yacht designed with large air conditioned double cabins, private bathrooms, balcony with ocean view, bar, and TV.

Features ample spaces in the living room and dining room. All the social areas have a direct view to the sea.

The atmosphere of a small group of 16 passengers, make the voyage on the MILLENNIUM a wonderful journey.



San Cristobal  

AM: Baltra Airport

PM: Lobos Island

SAT San Cristobal

AM: Pitt Point

PM: Galapaguera 


San Cristobal

AM:  Brujo Hill

PM: Kicker Rock



AM: Suarez Point

PM: Gardner Bay

TUE Floreana

AM: Cormorant Point

PM: Post Office      

WED Santa Cruz

AM: Charles Darwin Station  

      Baltra Airport




Day 1 
AM: San Cristóbal Airport
At noon, you will arrive at San Cristóbal Airport.

PM: Isla Lobos
In the afternoon you can visit Isla Lobos. This group of islets, located near Playa Ochoa (San Cristobal Island), is home to the blue-footed boobies and frigatebirds that nest among saline shrubs. You can also find sea lions again, besides being a good place for the saguaro cactus.

Day 2 

AM: Punta Pitt (San Cristóbal)
At dawn we will arrive at the northeast tip of San Cristóbal, Punta Pitt. There we will walk along a path that will guide us through colonies of frigates, swallow-tailed gulls, masked or Nazca boobies and blue-and-red-footed boobies. Punta Pitt is the only place in the Galápagos where the three species of pikemen are found together.

PM: Galapaguera Natural (San Cristóbal)
In the afternoon, we will take a walk from the beach to the highlands, entering the field of the "Galapaguera Natural". The distance is approximately three and a half hours (round trip). Due to the absence of trees that provide shade, the weather can be very hot in the warmer seasons, however, you will be rewarded after meeting the famous giant Galapagos tortoises in their natural habitat along this route. These huge animals live to 200 years of age and can weigh 300 kg.

Day 3 

AM: Cerro Brujo (San Cristóbal)
Starting the day we will visit Cerro Brujo, a fascinating lava hill located northeast of the coast of San Cristobal Island. On its rocks we can see blue-footed boobies, gulls and some pelicans. This bay is very popular with young sea turtles and rays, it is also excellent for diving and swimming.

PM: Leon Dormido (San Cristóbal)
Then we will navigate around the huge rock known as Sleeping Lion; It is the nesting place of many marine birds. We can find blue-footed boobies, pelicans and frigates.

Day 4 

AM: Punta Suárez (Spanish)
The southern Spanish island is characterized by being a plain that belongs to birds. Here you will find large nesting colonies of blue footed boobies and masked boobies, and it is good to visit them until December, after about 10,000 albatrosses join these colonies in April, as well as tropical birds, several gulls and songbirds, as well as as well as marine and terrestrial iguanas.

In the morning we will make an excursion to Punta Suárez, one of the most outstanding places of the Archipelago, since it has a long list of species that are found along the cliffs or beaches. This place, in addition to being the habitat of five different marine species, is home to curious and audacious cucuves of Galápagos, galapagueñas pigeons and Galapagos hawks. It is also the only place where we can see red iguanas. From May to December you may be able to see albatross nests on the island and see the newborns. In addition, there are different types of reptiles, including the marine iguana and the lava lizard, which are unique to this island. When the surf is strong at Punta Suárez, the blow of the water against the boulders generates thundering jets that reach 30 meters. We will take a walk along a stone path of approximately 2 kilometers and a duration of 3 hours.

PM: Gardner Bay (Spanish)
Then we will meet Gardner Bay. The beach of two kilometers of white sand, forms one of the most beautiful bays of the Galapagos. Sea lions sunbathing and nightingales of the Spanish island, welcome visitors, where you can also see the Galápagos falcon up close. You can also find marine iguanas sitting at the end of the beach, as well as bright red crabs walking on the rocks. This place has amazing places to snorkel.

Day 5 

AM: Punta Cormorant (Floreana)
In 1832, Floreana was the first island to be inhabited, having an "exotic" mix of settlers. In the thirties was the scene of a Hollywood-style theater, which attracted worldwide attention, because there were several deaths and disappearances, forming an unfinished puzzle to this day.

In the morning we will make a trip to Punta Cormorant. After a wet landing on the beach, we will descend 100 meters down a path that leads to a mangrove lagoon. This lagoon is home to Galápagos ducks, black storks, oystercatchers and golden sandpipers. With some luck we can also see flamingos. Another trail will take us to a small beach, which is an important nesting site, from December to March, of sea turtles. Rays are often found in shallow waters and sometimes reef-tip white sharks.

PM: Post Office Bay (Floreana)
Then we will visit the Bay of the Postal Office, which maintains the legendary postal barrel that, historically, the whalers used to send their mail. If you wish, you can leave a letter here, waiting for you to arrive at your destination through another tourist. Do not forget to bring postcards.
At Cormorant Point and the Bay of the Postal Office you can snorkel.

Day 6 

AM: Charles Darwin Research Station (Santa Cruz)
Although Santa Cruz was the last island to be colonized in 1926, it is now home to almost half of the Galapagos residents and is the central population of the Archipelago. There is the Charles Darwin Research Station, which annually receives a hundred scientists from around the world who work in programs of nature conservation and environmental education, playing an important role. Therefore, the visit to the Information Center and the outdoor area, where the turtle and iguana pens are located, is a mandatory point of visit in the Galapagos.

Baltra Airport
Flight from Baltra Airport to the mainland, bound for Guayaquil or Quito.

Important: Itineraries and activities subject to change without prior notice. Depending on weather conditions and water currents, some wildlife described above may not be visible.

Capacity 16 Passengers
Category First Class
Accomodation 16 Passengers in 6 double cabins with twin beds and 2 suitsl with matrimonial bed and private Bathroom
On Board
  • Sun Deck
  • Library
  • Locker
  • Dining-room
  • Water purifier
  • Snorkelling equipment
  • Solarium
  • VHS
  • TV
  • Ventilators
Crew 9 Plus Naturalist Multilingual guide
Speed 12 Knots
Length 87 ft. (27m)



Cost Includes:
  • All transfers in Galapagos: Airport-Yacht-Airport
  • Accommodation in double cabins
  • Three meals a day, drinking water, tea or coffe
  • Excursions in the islands with English Speaking Nature Guide
Cost Excludes:
  • Galapagos National Park Tax: USD 100.00 to be paid in cash in Galapagos
  • Galapagos Transit Card: USD 20.00 per person
  • Soft drinks and alcoholics beverages
  • Snorkelling Equipment
  • Tips