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Galapagos aboard Estrella de Mar Yacht 4 Days " B "

First Class - Cruise
  • Transport
  • Sight Seeing
  • Food

Built in 1990, elegantly furnished and slek upon the water, the Estrella de Mar is one of those ships that cruise the Galapagos Islands with style.

All cabins have windows, air conditioning and private baths. The yacht features a bar and comfortable dining lounge areas. Her ample sun decks provide wonderful open and shaded space to breathe in the salty sea breeze or enjoy the hot equatorial sun. The Estrella de Mar Cruises the Galapagos Islands in comfort, ease, and in a big way, yet at low cost.

Accomodation: 8 Double cabins with private toilet and shower. All cabins with air conditioning, bar, dinning room, living room, the social areas have direct view to the sea.





AM: Baltra Airport

PM: Bartolome Island



AM: Darwin Bay

PM: El Barranco  


South Plaza

Santa Fe

AM: South Plaza Island  

PM: Santa Fe Island

MON Santa Cruz

AM: Highlands

       Baltra  Airport



Day 1 


AM: Flight to Galapagos Transfer early to the airport for our flight to the Galapagos Islands. Upon arrival in Baltra, meet our naturalist guide, who will assist with the transfer to the Estrella de Mar Yacht. 

PM: Bartolome Island

Trek to the summit of the island for a clearer perspective of the islands' not-too-distant volcanic origins, and enjoy a view that is one of the best among the Galápagos. Spectacular vistas await, so bring your camera and snap away at the amazing panoramas

Day 2


AM: Darwin Bay

Walk along the white coral sands of Darwin Bay surrounded by bustling sea birds. Follow the trail and see nesting frigatebirds, gulls, and boobies. Be sure to bring your camera to take some snaps of your new feathered friends.

Visit this sunken caldera for a great snorkelling opportunity. See large schools of tropical fish swarming near the vertical walls, and, if lucky, see a manta ray or hammerhead.

PM: El Barranco

Visit "El Barranco" aka Prince Phillip's Steps located on the southern tip of the island for an amazing wildlife watching opportunity. Hike up the steps to see a sea bird colony that is full of life including the breeding grounds for red-footed boobies and masked boobies.

Day 3 


AM: South Plaza Island

Visit South Plaza, one of the smallest islands in the Galápagos, which has one of the largest populations of land iguanas. Walk along a path through a cactus forest and view a combination of dry and coastal vegetation on this lively island, home to a wide range of fauna, including incredible birdlife. Spot red-billed tropicbirds and indigenous swallow-tailed gulls resting on the cliffs, and sea lions playing in the waters.

PM: Sant Fe Island

Visit Santa Fe for amazing wildlife watching opportunities. Hike towards the cliffs along the island's northern shore to view the forest of giant prickly pear cactus (Opuntia), which is home to endemic land iguanas. It is also one of the best locations to see sea turtles, swim with sea lions, and get a glimpse of a whitetip reef shark.

Day 4 


AM: Highlands

RHead to Santa Cruz’s verdant highlands and the El Chato Reserve, a perfect place to see giant tortoises in their natural environment. Explore the reserve’s lagoon and lava tunnels, keeping an eye out for owls that often roost in the tunnels’ entrances. Check out Santa Cruz's lava tunnels, massive underground lava tubes found throughout the island that, in some places, extend several kilometres. Transfer to the airport for our flight to Quito or Guayaquil.

Important: Itineraries are unlikely to change significantly but are subject to change. Weather, wildlife breeding, safety concerns, instructions from the Galapagos National Park, specific abilities and interests of passengers as well as operational matters may cause your guide or captain to change the time or nature of visits. Your guide and captain will always endeavor to select the best itinerary within these limits.

Name  Estrella de Mar Yacht
Year of construction 1991
Type Motor Yacht
Category First Class
Length 75 fts / 23mts
Beam 21 fts / 6mts
Capacity 16 passengers
On bordo sun decks, bar, comfortable dining lounge
Max speed 9 knots
Crew 7 and 1 naturalist guide
Sefety and navegation        All safety equipment complies with international coast guard regulations

Deck Plans: 8 double cabins with window, private bath and A/C 


Cost Includes:
  • All transfers in Galapagos: Airport-Yacht-Airport
  • Accommodation in double cabins
  • Three meals a day, drinking water, tea or coffe
  • Excursions in the islands with English Speaking Nature Guide.
  • Snorkelling Equipment
Cost Excludes:
  • Galapagos National Park Tax: USD 100.00 to be paid in cash in Galapagos
  • Galapagos Transit Card: USD 20.00 per person
  • Soft drinks and alcoholics beverages
  • Tips