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Galapagos aboard Coral II Yacht 4 Days " C "

Luxury - Cruise
  • Transport
  • Sight Seeing
  • Food

The new M/Y Coral II will be a modern yacht with capacity for 20 passengers. The ample lounge with a classic marine decoration; large windows that allow our guests to have an amusing panoramic view of the islands and its wildlife; comfortable lounge couches to read, sleep or relax, give a different ambience and environment to live Charles' Darwin paradise.

M/Y Coral II will have 10 spacious cabins divided in three decks, 4 junior cabins on the sky deck, one on the earth deck, 4 Moon Cabins on Sea Deck and one Standard on Sea Deck.  Sky Deck will be shorten, to let the sun pass to the Jacuzzi, adding stairs to go up to the sun terrace.  This terrace is a new area located on the top deck, ideal for star gazing at night or sunbathing by day.

Moon Suites: These cabins have the best location on the yacht, direct access to the outside deck, and more space, comfort and privacy. Their twin beds can be put together or separated.  They have windows rather than portholes.

Superior Cabins: Teak finished in a "cosy style with a spacious feeling". They have portholes and twin beds that can be put together.

SUN   Santa Cruz  

AM: Baltra Airport

PM: Fausto LLerena Breeding Center / Charles Darwin Station



North Seymour 

AM: Mosquera Islet

PM: North Seymour 


Santa Fe

Plaza Sur

AM: Santa Fe Island

PM: Plaza Sur


San Cristobal    

AM: Cerro Colorado Tortoise Reserve 

PM: Baltra Airport




Day 1 

Morning flight from Quito or Guayaquil to Baltra (Galapagos).

Departure from Quito or Guayaquil to Baltra Island (approx. 2½-hour flight). Arriving in the Galapagos, passengers are picked up at the airport by our naturist guides and taken on a ten-minute bus drive to the pier to board the M/Y Coral I or M/Y Coral II.

Dry landing. Visit to " The Galapagos giant tortoises breeding program ", where the famous Lonesome George (last surviving specimen of Pinta Island) lived for decades. The center is conducted by the Galapagos National Park (GNP) staff with the collaboration of scientists from the Charles Darwin Station (CDS). Here, eggs taken from Pinzon, Santiago and Santa Cruz Islands hatch without the danger of introduced species. After artificial incubation; the “galapaguitos” (newborn tortoises) are reared until the age of 5, when they are released in their native habitats, having the capabilities to survive alone. Since the 70s, more than 2000 specimens have returned to their own islands. In addition, the Darwin Station works in several scientific projects, botanical research, providing environmental education to communities, schools within the Islands and tourists. If there is enough time, it is possible to visit Puerto Ayora.

Day 2 

Wet Landing, " Mosquera Islet  " is located between North Seymour and Baltra Island. This flat, sandy island has a large colony of sea lions. It is also an excellent site to observe shorebirds such as herons and lava gulls. There is no trail on the islet, the visitor can enjoy the open area. Most of the islet is covered with sand and barren lava rock. Very little sesuvium portulacastrum plants grow on the sand.

Dry landing. This is perhaps one of the busiest tourist destinations on the archipelago. Off of Baltra Island (where the airport is located) and not far from Santa Cruz, North Seymour is the most accessible for day trips out of Santa Cruz’s main port, Puerto Ayora.

An approximately two hour walk amidst large nesting colonies of blue-footed boobies*, magnificent and great frigatebirds,* and swallow-tailed gulls for an in depth encounter with sea bird breeding cycles and as well as sea lions. You will also encounter sea lions, land iguanas, and on a lucky day, you might even come across a Galapagos Snake.

Day 3 

Wet landing. " Santa Fe " shows white sand beaches surrounded by sea lion colonies; through the island path, an endemic cactus forest is passed, home the Santa Fe land iguanas (the largest in the islands). This island is the habitat for a number of species, including the Galapagos hawk, Galapagos snakes, rice rats (one of the few endemic Galapagos rodents), a variety of finches and one of the four mockingbird species of the archipelago.

Dry landing on the northern part of the Islet. The walk begins with an impressive cactus forest* surrounded by land and marine iguanas; as we reach its highest point, be on the lookout for tropicbirds, a Nazca and blue-footed boobiesswallow-tailed gulls.

In " South Plaza " there is a large colony of the smaller sized land iguanas. Approximately, there is a population of 300 individuals. They feed on all kinds of vegetation, but during the dry season survive on the fruits and flowers of Opuntia cacti. Due to their proximity with marine iguanas, this is the only place on Earth where we will find the Galapagos hybrid iguana.

Day 4 

Kicker Rock can be seen directly from the vessel. In the sea northeast of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno is this ancient and eroded volcanic tuff lava named Leon Dormido or Kicker Rock it is formed by two rocks approximately 148 m, named for its resemblance of a sleeping lion.

It serves as home to many of the typical Galapagos sea animals, such as birds, sea lions, blue and Nazca boobies and frigate. With rare sightings of swallow turtle gulls, tropic birds, and pelicans.

" Cerro Colorado " is a dry landing in Puerto Baquerizo Moreno. Passengers visit the San Cristobal Giant Tortoise Breeding Center to learn about the National Park’s conservation programs. Enjoy a beautiful landscape on the way to the Reserve. Passengers will also have the opportunity to visit the village’s port, have a drink or shop for arts and crafts and other souvenirs.

Important: Itineraries and activities subject to change without prior notice. Depending on weather conditions and water currents, some wildlife described above may not be visible.

Category Luxury Class
Built In Germany
Lenght 30.50mts
Speed 20 Knots
Capacity 20 passengers
Crew 10 crew (2 multilingual naturalists guides) 
Life Raft 2 for 8 pax each; 1 unit for 20 pax
Classified ISM-SOLAS
Fire Protection Systems Sprinklers and Smoke Detectors
Electricity 110 volts
Safety Equipment
  • Radars
  • Gyrocompass
  • Auto pilot
  • Visual Directions Finder
  • Echo Sounder
  • Radio
  • Telephony GMDSS Equipped


Cost Includes:
  • All transfers in Galapagos: Airport-Yacht-Airport
  • Accommodation in double cabins
  • Three meals a day, drinking water, tea or coffe
  • Excursions in the islands with English Speaking Nature Guide
  • Snorkelling Equipment
Cost Excludes:
  • Galapagos National Park Tax: USD 100.00 to be paid in cash in Galapagos
  • Galapagos Transit Card: USD 20.00 per person
  • Soft drinks and alcoholics beverages
  • Tips