About Us

We are ShineGalapagos

Our main objective is to serve to our clients and friends. Our operations staff has the experience of 6 years to make trips in all Ecuador and our guides are licensed by the Tourism Ministry.

We offer the Best Prices on Last Minute Cruises in Galapagos, because we have excellent working relationship and friendship with the owners of the Yachts in Galapagos, and we are direct operator of Galapagos Island Hopping, Multisport Galapagos, Trekking and Diving.

In the International Part, we offer Decameron Tours, Mexico City, Orlando, Jamaica, Curacao, Punta Cana, Panama City and Beach, Peru, and more.

ShineGalapagos is a trust and friendly agency, all our staff is professional and reliable, and we help to our tourist always. Every week we offer the best Last Minute Deals, as payment facilities, because our commitment is our passenger, and is a pleasure that the passenger visit our beautiful Ecuador.

Our Tour Operator and Travel Agency, ShineGalapagos, was founded in March 2011, as a familiar enterprise, all of us are proud to be Ecuadorian, and we are glad to help you plan your trip and can give our experience of the destinations that we offer.


Your Agency, ShineGalapagos.

Your Trip Starts Here

Ready for a trip that will really take you places? You’ve come to the right place. Along with our company


Our Success Stories