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Galapagos aboard M/V Galapagos Legend 4 Days " C "

Luxury - Cruise
  • Transport
  • Sight Seeing
  • Food

Ourphilosophy is based on an environment without any formalisms or strict etiquette as in other   luxury vessels but maintaining some important aspects like excellence in quality services.

Panoramic windows not only allow you to observe your destination but also to be part of it. In its ample social areas you will be able to do countless activities. With only one hundred people on board you will enjoy exclusivity and a personalized attention. Enjoy the landscapes and view on any of the outer decks. The capacity for 100 passengers.

MON     Mosquera          

AM: Baltra Airport
PM: Mosquera Islet              


South Plaza          

Santa Fe

AM: South Plaza
PM: Santa Fe


San Cristobal 

AM: Pitt Point 
PM: Brujo Hill
TUE San Cristobal

AM: Colorado Hill
PM: Baltra Airport




Day 1 

Morning flight from Quito or Guayaquil to Baltra (Galapagos).

Departure from Quito or Guayaquil to Baltra (2½-hour hour flight). In Baltra, passengers are picked up at the airport by our naturalist guides and taken on a ten-minute bus drive to the pier to board the M/V Galapagos Legend.

In the afternoon you will visit the " Bartolome Island " where we discover a fascinating landscape formed by different volcanic parasitic cones —lava bombs, spatter, cinder cones — that resembles the moon.  Going up to the summit there will be an impressive views of the surrounding islands, including the eroded tuff cone Pinnacle Rock. We also encounter marine iguanas, lava lizards, and blue-footed boobies.

Beach time is a great opportunity to do snorkeling and see the famous Galapagos Penguins, sea turtles and White-tipped Reef Sharks among a great variety of colorful fish. For many visitors, this may turn out to be the best snorkeling experience. Crystal clear water is the perfect spot to appreciate the incredible marine life it has to offer.

Due to its geographical location, the lack of vegetation is immediately noticeable however, there are pioneer plants including the endemic Tiquilia nesiotica and Chamaesyce (known as sand mat or spurge in English), lava cactus, and Scalesia bushes.

Day 2 

Dry landing on the northern part of the Islet. The walk begins with an impressive cactus forest* surrounded by land and marine iguanas; as we reach its highest point, be on the lookout for tropicbirds, a Nazca and blue-footed boobiesswallow-tailed gulls.

In " South Plaza " there is a large colony of the smaller sized land iguanas. Approximately, there is a population of 300 individuals. They feed on all kinds of vegetation, but during the dry season survive on the fruits and flowers of Opuntia cacti. Due to their proximity with marine iguanas, this is the only place on Earth where we will find the Galapagos hybrid iguana.

In the afternoon  dry landing. Off of Baltra Island and not far from Santa Cruz, " North Seymour " is located.

This landmass was formed by a series of underwater volcanic eruptions, which deposited layers of lava on the ocean floor. An approximately two-hour walk amidst large nesting colonies of blue-footed boobies, magnificent and great frigate birds, and swallow-tailed gulls for an in depth encounter with sea bird breeding cycles and sea lions. You will also encounter land iguanas, and on a lucky day, you might even come across the endemic Galapagos Snake.

Day 3 

Our first stop is " Pitt Point " where followed by a high-intensity hike on rocky terrain. The trail includes a 90 meters long, olivine beach and a path that climbs to the top of a volcanic tuff, through several magnificent viewpoints.  This is probably the only site where the three booby species of the Galapagos can be seen together, as well as, two species of frigate birds and a sea lion colony. It is also excellent for dinghy rides and snorkeling, where a good range of sea birds can be observed.

In the afternoon we will visit " Brujo Hill " is an eroding tuff cone that at several locations is composed of AA lava formations and a beautiful white sandy beach, great for snorkeling and sunbathing. There is a lagoon visit where migratory bird species can be seen: Black-necked Stilts, Ruddy Turnstones, Whimbrels, other sandpiper species and White-cheeked Pintails. Cerro Brujo offers beautiful views of Kicker Rock, the southern part of San Cristobal and the adjacent coast.

Day 4 

Dry landing in Puerto Baquerizo Moreno. Passengers visit " the San Cristobal Giant Tortoise Breeding Center " to learn about the National Park’s conservation programs. Enjoy a beautiful landscape on the way to the Reserve. Passengers will also have the opportunity to visit the village’s port, have a drink or shop for arts and crafts and other souvenirs.

Important: Itineraries and activities subject to change without prior notice. Depending on weather conditions and water currents, some wildlife described above may not be visible.


Construction  Germany
Reconstruction 2002
Weight (tt)  2746
Speed 15 Knots
Lenght  300 feet ( 91.5  meters)
Make 47 feet (14.3 meters)
Width 13 feet ( 3.9 meters)
Passengers 110
Crew 60 crew + 6 Multilingual naturilist guide certified by the National Park.+ 1 doctor
Safety Equipment
  • Radars
  • Gyrocompass
  • Autopilot
  • Visual director
  • Sound
  • Radio
  • Telephony GMDSS equipped
  • Sprinklers
  • Smoke detectors


Cost Includes:
  • All transfers in Galapagos: Airport-Yacht-Airport
  • Accommodation in double cabins
  • Three meals a day, drinking water, tea or coffe 
  • Excursions in the islands with English Speaking Nature Guide
  • Snorkelling Equipment
Cost Excludes:
  • Galapagos National Park Tax: USD 100.00 to be paid in cash in Galapagos
  • Galapagos Transit Card: USD 20.00 per person
  • Soft drinks and alcoholics beverages
  • Tips