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Galapagos aboard Archipell II Catamaran Yacht 4 Days " B "

First Class - Cruise
  • Transport
  • Sight Seeing
  • Food

The Archipell II is one of the most comfortable cruise boats navigating the Galapagos archipelago.

This is due to our dedication in designing the most comfortable fleet of catamarans available. We have worked with the same passion and dedication as with the Journey I to maintain a standard of service that is second to none (worldwide).

The Archipell II will offer lots of space and comfort for naturalist and diving cruises, the artful combination of stability, grace and speed make this catamaran a perfect partner for a Galapagos discovery adventure.

Archipell II has 8 comfortable double cabins with windows to the outside, double and twin low beds, private bathroom, cold/hot water, air conditioned, closet and night table.

Onboard there is also a social area with TV, VHS, DVD, library, comfortable dining room, varied and healthy food, bard interior and external on the sundeck, sundeck with comfortable chairs for relaxing.



North Seymour  

AM: Baltra Airport

PM: North Seymour




AM: Bartolome Island

PM: Espumilla Beach




AM: Egas Port

PM: Rabida Island


Santa Cruz

AM: Charles Darwin Station

       Baltra Airport



Day 1 


AM: Upon arrival at the Baltra Airport, travellers pass through an airport inspection point to make sure that no foreign plants or animals are introduced to the islands, and to pay the park entrance fee of $100. A guide will meet you, help you collect your luggage, and escort you on a short bus ride to the harbour.

PM: North Seymour Island

This islet is one of most visited sites, and it is teeming with birdlife. An easy circular path takes you through the archipelago’s most extensive colonies of blue-footed boobies and frigate birds. At the beginning of the breeding season, adult frigatebird-males blow up their vivid red pouches to impressive football-sized balloons. This is one of the few spots where you can compare the magnificent and the great frigatebird breeding next to each other.

Day 2 

AM: Bartolome Island

The beautiful volcano islet of Bartolomé is among the youngest of the islands, and on a geological scale was just recently born out of fire. Although at first sight lifeless, Bartolomé offers some of the wildest landscapes and best panoramaso the entire archipelago. To enjoy the postcard view of the idyllic ‘Pinnacle Bay’ you have to climb the stairs to the viewpoint on top of the island (114m/375ft). Enter a dramatic world of threatening (though extinguished) nearby spatter cones, craters, and lightweight lava droplets that have been spewed out by fiery fountains. The Summit Trail is also ideal for witnessing how scanty pioneer vegetation such as lava cactus struggles to take root in the bare virgin lava fields.

PM: Espumilla Beach

Espumilla Beach is an important breeding site for turtles, as it is no longer suffering from digging wild pigs. The turtles return year after year to bury their eggs into the cinnamon-coloured sand dunes. About two months later (roughly from February to August) the eggs hatch.
The beach ridge hides a mangle with two lagoons on the backside. A colony of American flamingos and aquatic birds used to be its main attraction, but after the climate phenomenon of El Niño, strong sedimentation altered the water environment, and now no longer provides their food.
Vegetation zones are very close by, providing great scenic contrasts. During the climb up a hill, you will be rewarded with a beautiful view of the transitions from sea to beach and from mangrove to a dry palo santo forest.
At the nearby Buccaneers Cove, there is a great snorkelling opportunity.

Day 3 

AM: Puerto Egas

Puerto Egas is a black beach located at the west side of Santiago Island. Volcanic tuff deposits formed this special black sand beach and made it the main attraction of the Island. This site is called Puerto Egas because Hector Egas attempted to exploit the salt, which failed because the price of salt on the continent was very cheap.

PM: Rabida Island

Rábida Island is unique because of the red colour of the rocks and sand. The volcanic material on this island is very porous and external factors such as rain, saltwater and sea breeze have acted as an oxidising agent. A short walk along a trail leads us to a coastal lagoon behind the beach where we can see land birds including finches, doves, yellow warblers and mockingbirds. Meanwhile at the lagoon there is a colony of flamingos.

Day 4

AM: Charles Darwin Station

Although the great majority of Galapagos visitors come here to observe and appreciate natural wonders, it is also interesting to learn how the protection and conservation of the islands are done. The main attractions are the National Park information centre, the Van Staelen Exhibition Hall, the Breeding and Rearing Centre for young tortoises, and adult Galapagos tortoises in captivity.

Assisted by the naturalist guide and some crewmembers, the dinghy will bring you and your luggage to the Baltra Airport, where we will take the shuttle back to the airport.

Important: Itineraries are unlikely to change significantly but are subject to change. Weather, wildlife breeding, safety concerns, instructions from the Galapagos National Park, specific abilities and interests of passengers as well as operational matters may cause your guide or captain to change the time or nature of visits. Your guide and captain will always endeavor to select the best itinerary within these limits.

Name Archipel II Catamaran
Year of Construction 2005
Category First Class
Type Motor Catamaran
Length 27m / 88ft
Beam 11m / 36ft
Capacity 16 passengers max.
On-Board Dining room, bar and conference area with television, DVD player, chart games, library of books and DVDs
Accommodation  Main Deck: 2 cabins with double beds, 6 cabins with twin beds
Max speed

10 knots

Crew 9 members
Greater safety on-board     

We  obtained the International Safety Management Certificate of the International Marine Organisation (IMO), carry proper security equipment, and put board regulations and safety instructions.
Scheduled maintenance and regular checks keep our yacht in safe conditions.


Cost Includes:
  • All transfers in Galapagos: Airport-Yacht-Airport
  • Accommodation in double cabins
  • Three meals a day, drinking water, tea or coffe
  • Excursions in the islands with English Speaking Nature Guide.
  • Snorkelling Equipment
Cost Excludes:
  • Galapagos National Park Tax: USD 100.00 to be paid in cash in Galapagos
  • Galapagos Transit Card: USD 20.00 per person
  • Soft drinks and alcoholics beverages
  • Tips