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South Galapagos on board Daphne Yacht 4 Days Itinerary "B"

Superior Tourist - Cruise
  • Transport
  • Sight Seeing
  • Food

Aboard our yacht you will experience excellent service, provided by our friendly and experienced crew. Our naturalist guide speaks fluent english.

Other than him or her, the crew consists of one chef and his assistant, two sailors, a bartender, and a mechanic. Dapnhe yacht has 8 double cabins, upper and lower berths with private facilities and air-conditioning. Naturalist cruises. The Daphne features a restaurant and bar, a small library, a TV and VCR room, as well as a solarium, a water purification system, and air conditioning on board.


WED    Santa Cruz

AM: Baltra Airport

PM: Highlands



AM: Post Office Bay

PM: Cormorant Point



AM: Suarez Point

PM: Gardner Bay 


San Cristobal  

AM: Kicker Rock

PM: San Cristobal Airport 


DAY 1 
You will arrive at Baltra in the morning. After going through immigration and baggage claim, you will be met by a Daphne Yacht staff member and transferred to the yacht. You will be shown to your cabin where you will have some time to settle in before lunch and a welcome briefing.


Head to Santa Cruz’s verdant highlands and the El Chato Reserve, a perfect place to see giant tortoises in their natural environment. Explore the reserve’s lagoon and lava tunnels, keeping an eye out for owls that often roost in the tunnels’ entrances.  

DAY 2 

Visit Post Office Bay and learn about its unique history. In the late 18th century, English whaling vessels placed a barrel here to be used as a post office. Today, the box is used mainly by tourists, who may drop off and pick up unstamped letters to be carried to far destinations. Continue the tradition – leave a letter and take one to deliver (be sure it makes it to the correct location)!.

CORMORANT POINT                                                                

Following a four-hour navigation from Puerto Ayora we will do a wet landing on a volcanic olivine beach. Punta Cormorant lays on the northern shore of Floreana and is the house of greater flamingos and sea turtles. On one side, the point is partially flooded with a brackish lagoon where flamingos nest and feed. Whimbrels, herons and stilts are other common shore and migratory birds of the wetlands. On the other side sea turtles use every corner of a white sand beach to deliver their eggs. You often see stingrays and reef sharks from the shore and if you are lucky turtles ending basking. 

DAY 3 


Head to Punta Suárez on Española Island, the southernmost island in the Galápagos archipelago and home to several wildlife species. Hike to the top of the cliff for spectacular photo opportunities, and explore the island's untamed natural beauty.


Visit Gardner Bay's magnificent white sandy beach, home to sea lions and sea birds. Be sure to explore the beautiful turquoise water and its incredible sea life. Spot young sea lions and large schools of surprisingly big tropical fish, including yellow-tailed surgeonfish, king angelfish, and bump-head parrot fish. 

DAY 4 

Embark on a snorkelling adventure at Kicker Rock, one of the most stunning landmarks in the Galápagos Islands that’s home to an incredibly diverse range of marine life that inhabits the nutrient-rich water. Explore the rock which rises 150m (492 ft) above the ocean's surface, and is divided into two parts by a narrow channel navigable by small vessels. See an array of sharks and fish that are drawn to the rock and provide for an exhilarating unique snorkelling experience.

After the breakfast transfer to San Cristobal airport to catch the flight back to Quito or Guayaquil. 

Important: Itineraries are unlikely to change significantly but are subject to change. Weather, wildlife breeding, safety concerns, instructions from the Galapagos National Park, as well as operational matters may cause your guide or captain to change the time or nature of visits. Your guide and captain will always endeavor to select the best itinerary within these limits.

Yacht Daphne
Type Motor Yachts
Category Turist Superior
Capacity 16 passengers
Departures Wednesday
Speed 10 knots
Lenght 70ft. (21.3m)
Accommodations  8 doubles cabins with private bath and hot showers
On board restaurant and bar, library, TV and VHS video, solarium
Crew Captain, 2 sailors, chef, mechanic assistant, bartender, bilingual naturalist guide 


Cost Includes:
  • All transfers in Galapagos: Airport-Yacht-Airport
  • Accommodation in double cabins.
  • Three meals a day, drinking water, tea or coffe
  • Excursions in the islands with English Speaking Nature Guide.
Cost Excludes:
  • Galapagos National Park Tax: USD 100.00 to be paid in cash in Galapagos
  • Galapagos Transit Card: USD 20.00 per person
  • Soft drinks and alcoholics beverages.
  • Snorkeling Equipment
  • Tips.