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North Galapagos on board Daphne Yacht 8 Days Itinerary "A"

Superior Tourist - Cruise
  • Transport
  • Sight Seeing
  • Food

Aboard our yacht you will experience excellent service, provided by our friendly and experienced crew. Our naturalist guide speaks fluent english.

Other than him or her, the crew consists of one chef and his assistant, two sailors, a bartender, and a mechanic. Dapnhe yacht has 8 double cabins, upper and lower berths with private facilities and air-conditioning. Naturalist cruises. The Daphne features a restaurant and bar, a small library, a TV and VCR room, as well as a solarium, a water purification system, and air conditioning on board.


WED    Santa Cruz

AM: Baltra Airport

PM: Bachas Beach


North Seymour


AM: North Seymour Island 

PM: Bartolome Island



AM: Puerto Egas

PM: Espumilla Beach - Bucanner Cove 




AM: Tagus Cove 

PM: Espinoza Point



AM: Elizabeth Bay

PM: Moreno Point



AM: Tintoreras - Chico Volcano

PM: Wetlands - Turtle Breeding Center 


Santa Cruz

AM: Dragon Hill

PM: Carrion Point

WED Santa Cruz    

AM: Charles Darwin Station

       Baltra Airport


DAY 1 
You will arrive at Baltra in the morning. After going through immigration and baggage claim, you will be met by a Daphne Yacht staff member and transferred to the yacht. You will be shown to your cabin where you will have some time to settle in before lunch and a welcome briefing.


Head to Bachas Beach where the sand is made of decomposed coral, making it soft and white, and a favourite site for nesting sea turtles. Spot abundant Sally Lightfoot crabs on the lava rocks along the water's edge -- these crabs will eat anything they can get their claws on! Trek to see a wide range of wildlife, including flamingos, hermit crabs, black necked stilts, and sea lions.  

DAY 2 


Located slightly to the north of the island of Baltra, North Seymour is a low, flat island, formed as a result of the uplift caused by magma build up below. It is covered with low, bushy vegetation and contains the largest colony of magnificent Frigate birds in the Galapagos; Land Iguanas are common here too.  There is also a population of Blue-Footed Boobies that perform an amusing courtship dance when nesting conditions are right, making this one of the highlights of the visit.


Hike to Bartolomé's summit for a stronger perspective of the islands' not-too-distant volcanic origins, and enjoy a panoramic view – it’s one of the best among the islands! See other Galápagos Islands in the distance as well as Pinnacle Rock, the island’s famous towering landmark. Spot Galápagos penguins — the only species of penguin found north of the Equator — walking precariously along narrow volcanic ledges at the base.                                                                  

DAY 3 


Also known as  Egas Port, has magical shorelines that combine tuff cone, lava flows and organic sand. A rocky coast with a very gentle slope is used by a great number of shore birds and reptiles. Oystercatchers, whimbrels, sanderlings, turnstones, tattlers and other waders are mixed with marine iguanas and bright painted crabs to feed by the rich littoral zone. As grand finally, large lava tunnels, that are partially collapsed, are the houses of the Galapagos fur sea lions. The snorkel can be one of the best in the archipelago. Sea turtles feeding, parrot fishes, damsel fishes, white tipped reef sharks and many more… 


Your morning visit is to Espumilla Beach where marine iguanas lounge and the Sally Lightfoot crabs attract the hunting herons performing the dance of predator and prey right before your eyes. Snorkeling is highly recommended as you could find yourself face to face with an octopus, moray eel, shark and a variety of other species of tropical fish. 

DAY 4 


Visit Tagus Cove, an Isabela Island anchorage site that was popular among whalers and pirates. Tour the area on foot for spectacular views of Darwin Lake (a spherical saltwater crater), the bay, and Darwin and Wolf volcanoes. Upon landing, take the wooden stairway to the trail entrance, and follow the trail through a dry vegetation zone. Continue on an ascent to a promontory made up of spatter cones (small volcanic cones). 


Tour a number of different trails at this not-to-be-missed landing site that’s home to some of the largest colonies of marine iguanas and sea birds. Follow the path along the beach and across lava flows for a unique opportunity to explore one of the least-visited areas of the Galápagos.                   

DAY 5 


Head out by panga to explore, keeping an eye out for wildlife hiding among the mangroves. Search for marine turtles, rays, and flightless cormorants in the sheltered waters. Also spot blue-footed boobies, penguins, and pelicans feeding on the abundant marine life. 

MORENO POINT                                                                                         

When you land on Punta Moreno you understand why the Spanish Bishop that discover the Islands said: “It was as if God had decided to rain stones”. When he first set foot on a lava field he struggled to find fresh water and in desperation was reduced to chew on cactus pats to quench its thirst. More than three centuries later a young Naturalist saw beyond the lava. Charles Darwin was amazed by the colonization of plants and the start of life over this terrain. He thought this process could easily compare to the origin of life in our planet. The mystery of mysteries… The pioneer cactus growing over the country of lava is contrasted with stunning oasis. Where lava tunnel roofs have collapse, brackish water accumulates o give life to greater flamingoes, moorhens, black-necked stilts and Galapagos Martins. 

DAY 6 


At a very short distance from Puerto Villamil is the La Tintoreras Islet called like that because there is a chasm of quiet water were often rest the white fin sharks know as "tintoreras". 

It is a hillside, in the northeast part of the Sierra Negra Volcano. . A spectacular lunar landscape of lava fields and fumaroles, from this point you can observe Fernandina Island and the rest of Isabela Island to the north.


The afternoon visit will head to the Wetlands of Isabela Island, which are located just outside of Puerto Villamil. The Wetlands consist of lagoons, swamps, and mangroves and are home to a variety of unique bird species such as common stilts, whimbrels, white-cheeked pintails, and gallinules. The Wetlands can be visited on foot via a path through the swamps.

In the afternoon we will take a walk through the wetlands, we will go to the forest to see the gentle giants in their natural habitat in this reserve. With the giant turtle on the road to extinction in the late 1950s, this program was established to protect these noble creatures. We will also have the opportunity to observe iguanas and flamingos taking sun.

DAY 7 


In the morning you will visit Dragon Hill on Santa Cruz. The visitors’ site at Dragon Hill is located in northwestern Santa Cruz Island and consists of a 1,600 m long trail that runs through three different environments. The beach is very rocky. At high tide it’s a nice place for snorkeling. At this visiting site you can find vegetation of the typical intertidal zone and dry zone.


Carrion Point offers the opportunity for easy snorkeling and swimming around a shallow and protected cove. Please bring walking shoes, sun hat, sun block and beachwear. 

DAY 8 

Today you will visit Charles Darwin Station. This is home to tortoises ranging from 3-inches (new hatchlings) to 4-feet long. Subspecies of tortoises interact with one another and many of the older tortoises are accustomed to humans, stretching out their heads for a photo opportunity. The babies are kept here until they are about four years-old and strong enough to survive on their own. 

After the breakfast transfer to Baltra airport to catch the flight back to Quito or Guayaquil. 

Important: Itineraries are unlikely to change significantly but are subject to change. Weather, wildlife breeding, safety concerns, instructions from the Galapagos National Park, as well as operational matters may cause your guide or captain to change the time or nature of visits. Your guide and captain will always endeavor to select the best itinerary within these limits.

Yacht Daphne
Type Motor Yachts
Category Turist Superior
Capacity 16 passengers
Departures Wednesday
Speed 10 knots
Lenght 70ft. (21.3m)
Accommodations  8 doubles cabins with private bath and hot showers
On board restaurant and bar, library, TV and VHS video, solarium
Crew Captain, 2 sailors, chef, mechanic assistant, bartender, bilingual naturalist guide 



Cost Includes:
  • All transfers in Galapagos: Airport-Yacht-Airport
  • Accommodation in double cabins.
  • Three meals a day, drinking water, tea or coffe
  • Excursions in the islands with English Speaking Nature Guide.
Cost Excludes:
  • Galapagos National Park Tax: USD 100.00 to be paid in cash in Galapagos
  • Galapagos Transit Card: USD 20.00 per person
  • Soft drinks and alcoholics beverages.
  • Snorkeling Equipment
  • Tips.