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Galapagos aboard M/V Galapagos Legend 4 Days " A "

Luxury - Cruise
  • Transport
  • Sight Seeing
  • Food

Ourphilosophy is based on an environment without any formalisms or strict etiquette as in other   luxury vessels but maintaining some important aspects like excellence in quality services.

Panoramic windows not only allow you to observe your destination but also to be part of it. In its ample social areas you will be able to do countless activities. With only one hundred people on board you will enjoy exclusivity and a personalized attention. Enjoy the landscapes and view on any of the outer decks. The capacity for 100 passengers.

MON   Santa Cruz   AM: Baltra Airport
PM: Higlands



AM: Egas Port
PM: Bartolome Island


Santa Cruz

Seymour Norte 

AM: Dragon Hill
PM: North Seymour 
THU Santa Cruz

AM: Bachas Beach
PM: Baltra Airport


Day 1 

Morning flight from Quito or Guayaquil to Baltra (Galapagos).

Departure from Quito or Guayaquil to Baltra Island (2 ½-hour flight). Arriving in the Galapagos, passengers are picked up at the airport by our natural guides and taken to a ten-minute bus drive to the pier to board the M/V Galapagos Legend.

Then you can visit " Highlands" where  is possible to admire different kinds of birds, such as tree and ground finches, vermillion flycatchers, paint-billed crakes, yellow warblers, and cattle egrets (usually standing on the tortoises’ shell). The journey to the reserve offers great opportunities to see the contrasts that the island offers in reference to the variety of ecosystems. The road goes from the coast through the agricultural zone and straight up to the dense humid forests. Often, Galapagos Giant Tortoises are also seen on the way, wandering through pastures in the paddocks. This spot is a bird watchers’ haven since almost every land bird present on the island lives or migrates here.

For the afternoon you will visit " Black Turtle Cove " on the north shore of Santa Cruz Island, accessible only by sea, four species of mangrove crowd and form an internal lagoon, turtles visit the calm waters, peaking their heads above the surface while fish, rays circle below. White-tipped reef sharks can be seen beneath the boat, plus sea birds, including pelicans, herons and egrets. This cove has been declared as a “turtle sanctuary”.

Day 2 

In the morning you will " Prince Philip's steps " you can see the variety of sea life that uses the crevices of the lava cliffs for shelter. Red-billed Tropicbirds fly overhead, switching between their nests and the bay, and a small colony of fur seals may be found near the landing site. You will be dropped off at a steep stairway that begins on rocks at the foot of a path that leads through a seabird colony full of Nazca and Red-footed Boobies. At the plateau, the trail continues inland allowing you to see more nesting booby colonies in the thin Palo Santo forest. Near the end of the trail, over a rocky lava plain, Wedge-rumped Storm-Petrels can be observed flying in all directions. If you are lucky, you may catch a glimpse of a Short-eared Owl.

In the afternoon you disembark onto a small sand and coral beach. A short trail heads west along a tidal lagoon and then up a rocky hill that leads to a point overlooking the cliffs and " Darwin Bay ". Along the trail near the tidal lagoon, visitors will see pairs of Swallow-tailed Gulls, Lava Gulls, Yellow-crowned and Lava Herons. The trail continues through Palo Santo trees, Opuntia cacti, and Saltbushes inhabited by Great Frigate birds and Red-footed Boobies. This is one of the few places in the islands where visitors are guaranteed to see Red-footed Boobies. It is estimated that more than 200,000 Red-footed Boobies live in the trees and bushes of Genovesa.

Day 3 

Dry landing. Walk by a brackish lagoon to see flamingos. The trail leads across typical dry zone vegetation. Keeping up until " Dragon Hill ", see an important nesting ground for endemic land iguanas, offering lovely views of the anchored boats and neighboring islands. The forest is home to mockingbirds, Darwin’s finches, yellow warblers, and Galapagos doves.

Wet landing. " Santa Fe " shows white sand beaches surrounded by sea lion colonies; through the island path, an endemic cactus forest is passed, home the Santa Fe land iguanas (the largest in the islands). This island is the habitat for a number of species, including the Galapagos hawk, Galapagos snakes, rice rats (one of the few endemic Galapagos rodents), a variety of finches and one of the four mockingbird species of the archipelago.

Day 4 

Wet landing. On the north side of " Santa Cruz "; behind the beach lies two small flamingo ponds were iguanas sunbathe, see coastal birds, Darwin finches, mockingbirds, and gulls, as well as interesting native vegetation like red and black mangrove, salt bushes. This beach is one of the main sea turtles nesting sites in the Galapagos. A turtle can lay eggs 3 or 4 times per season with an average of 70 eggs each time. At this paradisiacal site, we will also find the remains of barges that sank a long time ago, when the United States Navy operated a base during World War II on Baltra Island. Local people modified the word barges to “Bachas”.

After the visit, passengers will be transferred to the airport for their return flight to Guayaquil or Quito.

Important: Itineraries and activities subject to change without prior notice. Depending on weather conditions and water currents, some wildlife described above may not be visible.

Construction  Germany
Reconstruction 2002
Weight (tt)  2746
Speed 15 Knots
Lenght  300 feet ( 91.5  meters)
Make 47 feet (14.3 meters)
Width 13 feet ( 3.9 meters)
Passengers 110
Crew 60 crew + 6 Multilingual naturilist guide certified by the National Park.+ 1 doctor
Safety Equipment
  • Radars
  • Gyrocompass
  • Autopilot
  • Visual director
  • Sound
  • Radio
  • Telephony GMDSS equipped
  • Sprinklers
  • Smoke detectors


Cost Includes:
  • All transfers in Galapagos: Airport-Yacht-Airport
  • Accommodation in double cabins
  • Three meals a day, drinking water, tea or coffe 
  • Excursions in the islands with English Speaking Nature Guide
  • Snorkelling Equipment
Cost Excludes:
  • Galapagos National Park Tax: USD 100.00 to be paid in cash in Galapagos
  • Galapagos Transit Card: USD 20.00 per person
  • Soft drinks and alcoholics beverages
  • Tips