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Galapagos aboard Golondrina Yacht 8 Days "C" ITINERARY

Tourist - Cruise

The Golondrina is a spacious and comfortable motor yacht that accommodates 16 passengers in comfortable double cabins, all furnished and equipped to provide guests a relaxing cruise in the Galapagos Islands. The Golondrina welcomes you aboard and invites you to discover the unique animals pristine habitat and lush flora and fauna of the Galapagos Archipelago.

All of the comfortable cabins are carpeted and have private bathrooms with a toilet, shower with hot water, sink and vanity. The yacht’s amenities include ample dining room, spacious living room, bar, with TV and DVD, music system, sundeck. The boat is fully air-conditioned with units in every cabin.  The boat also has full snorkeling equipment and wetsuits available for rent upon request of each passenger.

The boat and crew offer a relaxing atmosphere and attention to detail. The passengers are the first priority, and while the experience of the islands is the most important, we want to facilitate and enhance your Galapagos experience by providing a wonderful ambiance.

Accommodation is in 8 double cabins(bunk-beds).


FRI    Santa Cruz 

AM: Baltra Airport

PM: Bachas Beach  



AM: El Barranco

PM: Darwin Bay 




AM: Bartolome Island  

PM: Sullivan Bay 


Plaza Sur

Santa Fe

AM: South Plaza Island

PM: Santa Fe Island


San Cristobal

AM: Kicker Rock - Brujo Hill  

PM: Lobos Island



AM: Suarez Point

PM: Gardner Bay - Gardner Islet - Osborn Islet 



Santa Cruz

AM: Cormorant Point - Devil´s Crown

PM: Charles Darwin Station


North Seymour  


AM:  North Seymour Island

        Baltra Airport


Day 1 

On departing from Quito or Guayaquil, you will take a three hour flight to the Galapagos Islands landing on the Island of Baltra.  When arriving, our naturalist English speaking guide will assist you.


After lunch, we'll land at Bachas Beach located in the North Shore of Santa Cruz. It is one of the main nesting places for sea turtles, and the crystal waters invite you to relax and swim. After visiting Bachas, we'll bring you back to the yacht, you'll have dinner and you'll get ready for a new adventure.

Day 2


Also known as Prince Phillip's Steps, El Barranco’s steep, rocky paths lead up to a high cliff-face. A marvelous view can be appreciated from here. This site is also home to Palo Santo vegetation as well as Red-footed Boobies, Short-eared Lava Owls, Galapagos Swallows storm-petrels and Galapagos Doves. Hiking: 2km., dry landing. Lunch on board.


This enormous bay dominates the island, and like the Prince Philip's Steps, this place is home of a wide variety of seabirds including the famous frigates. Briefing and dinner on board.

Day 3 


ava formations and ash cones can be seen on this Island. A beautiful view of the nearest bays is waiting at the high part, after climbing a wood staircase for 30 to 40 minutes to the top (Walk up to the top of volcano 114 meters, 375 wooden steps). This is one of the most visited Islands because of its unique and famous Pinnacle Rock that consists of an extinct volcano with a variety of red, orange, black and even green volcanic formations. Time for snorkeling and possible sightings of the Galapagos Penguin. Hiking: 2kms. Dry and wet landings.


You can swim and snorkel here with seals and penguins. The landing takes place on a beautiful white sand beach where you can see some lava formations. Wet landing. Briefing and dinner on board.

Day 4 

SOUTH PLAZA ISLAND                                                        

This small island with steep cliffs was formed by rising lava and is now covered by Opuntia cacti. This Island is home to one of the largest Sea Lion colonies as well as colorful yellow and red land Iguanas. Many birds like the Tropicbirds and Fork-Tailed Seagulls rest on the cliffs. The most characteristic plant is the Sesuvium, during the rainy season its color is a greenish to yellowish tone and in the dry season (end of June through January) a bright red. Hike: 2 ½ km. Dry landing. Lunch on board.


Colonies of sea lions, land iguanas, fork-tailed seagulls, terns and petrels can be observed. A trail will take you into the heart of the island where you can see a forest of giant cactus and palo santo trees. After this visit on land, you can swim and snorkel. Wet landing. Briefing and dinner on board.

Day 5 


Esta roca gigante se formó por una erupción volcánica. A través de un estrecho canal que corta en dos partes a esta inmensa roca se permite el paso de pequeñas embarcaciones.  Es el hogar de muchas aves marinas y es considerado un gran sitio de snorkeling y buceo.  No se desembarca.


This site is located on the north shore of San Cristobal Island. This eroded hill and its surroundings present one of the most picturesque beaches in the Galapagos with its main attraction that is the coral sand beach and its wildlife includes Sea Turtles, Rays, and various types of Booby Birds. Lunch on board.


The most important colony of Sea Lions and Blue-Footed Boobies is on this Island. The scenery is beautiful and it is the perfect spot to snorkel. Briefing and dinner on board. Return to the yacht. Dinner and briefing for next day.

Day 6 


Breakfast. This natural place is home of blue-footed boobies, masked boobies, colonies of marine iguanas, fascinating albatross, sea lions, Galapagos doves, and Darwin finches. Nevertheless, there is another natural attraction: the lava blowhole, where you'll be able to see water spurting into the air. Hike: 3km. Dry landing. Lunch on board.


On the eastern side of the island, is the breeding site of nearly all of the world´s 12,000 pairs of Waved Albatrosses. It takes 45 minutes by boat to reach this site. The white sand beach is home to a group of Sea Lions. Swimming and snorkeling are excellent possibilities here. Wet landing.


Sea Lions, Marine Turtles and Finches can be seen here.


This small island is located southeast of Española. In Osborn Islet you'll be able to do some snorkeling and swimming. Dinner and briefing for next day.

Day 7 

CORMORANT POINT (FLOREANA ISLAND)                                                            

Breakfast. This site hosts a large Flamingo lagoon where other birds such as common Stilts, White-cheeked Pintails can also be seen. Olivine crystals in the beach make to name as the Green Beach. To the other side of the island, there is very fine white sand beach where marine turtles nest from December to May. Hike: 2km. Wet landing.

DEVIL´S CROWN                                                     

This volcanic crater has been eroded by the waves leaving the northern and southern sides poking out of the water. The coral formations make the underwater scenery impressive for snorkelers where there are schools of multi-colored fish, Sharks and Sea Turtles. No Landing.

CHARLES DARWIN STATION (SANTA CRUZ ISLAND)                                                         

he Darwin Station is part of the Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galápagos Islands, an international non-profit organization dedicated to scientific research in the Galápagos Islands since 1959. This visit offers an excellent introduction to the Islands, their origin and their formation. Learn about the Galapagos Giant Turtles breeding. Dinner and briefing for next day.

Day 8 


This Island is known for its large number of blue-footed boobies, colonies of magnificent frigate birds, fork-tailed seagulls, marine iguanas and sea lions. This island is characterized by its arid vegetation zone, being Palo Santo – Lignum Vitae - the most remarkable tree in the island. 

After this final visit, you will be transferred to the Baltra airport in time for your flight back to the mainland.

Important: Itineraries are unlikely to change significantly but are subject to change. Weather, wildlife breeding, safety concerns, instructions from the Galapagos National Park, specific abilities and interests of passengers as well as operational matters may cause your guide or captain to change the time or nature of visits. Your guide and captain will always endeavor to select the best itinerary within these limits.

Name  Golondrina Yacht 
Category    Tourist Class 
Capacity  16 passengers
Length  71 feet
Width  16 feet
Crew  6 + 1 Bilingual Naturalist guide

4 Upper w/ Bunk Beds
4 Lower w/ Bunk Beds

Deck Space                         

Main Deck: Open Small front & Covered Small back
Upper Deck: Open Small front & Covered Large back

Equipment:   24 mile furuno radar, gps, satelliite navigator, echo sounder, furuno 1000 ft. speed and distance log, compasses, barometer, clock. Epirb (emergency position indicating radio beacom),life jackets, flares and signals, fire smoke detectors, complete fire system


Cost Includes:
  • All transfers in Galapagos: Airport-Yacht-Airport
  • Accommodation in double cabins.
  • Three meals a day, drinking water, tea or coffe
  • Excursions in the islands with English Speaking Nature Guide.
Cost Excludes:
  • Galapagos National Park Tax: USD 100.00 to be paid in cash in Galapagos
  • Galapagos Transit Card: USD 20.00 per person
  • Soft drinks and alcoholics beverages.
  • Snorkelling Equipment
  • Tips.