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Galapagos aboard Anahí Catamaran Yacht 5 Days " A2 "

First Class - Cruise
  • Sight Seeing
  • Food

The M/C Anahi is a Power Catamaran Yacht, built in Guayaquil, Ecuador, launched by the end of 2006 with high comfort standards. With unparalleled stability, your cruise is guaranteed to be a restful and relaxed one.

The accommodation for sixteen voyagers is distributed amongst six 14m2 twin cabins on the main deck (2 transformable to double bed), and two 25m2 suite cabins on the upper deck. Every cabin includes large windows - portrait type - with a view to the ocean, beautiful wooden floor and cosy private facilities with hot/cold water shower, locker, closet and air conditioning.

Additionally, on the main deck, the yacht offers ample resting areas, library, TV-DVD room, comfortable dining room and lounge. On the upper deck, the yacht features a charming bar and an excellent area for relaxation, together with a Jacuzzi for six people. On top of the bar area we find the ample sundeck with resting chairs for eight people.

You will be attended by a Charming, helpful and experienced Crew of 8 well- trained staff members. We also provide a First Class Galapagos National Park Guide who fluently speaks English and Spanish. Guides on other languages such as German, Italian, French, are also available under request and for charter departures of the ship.

Enjoy Galapagos at the most with the First Class Yacht Catamaran Anahi!


FRI Santa Cruz   

AM: Baltra Airport

PM: Bachas Beach 



AM: Darwin Bay

PM: El Barranco


Plazas Sur

Santa Fe

AM: South Plazas Island

PM: Santa Fe Island

MON   San Cristobal 

AM: Pitt Point

PM: Kicker Rock & Lobos Island 


San Cristobal

AM: Breeding Center

PM: San Cristobal Airport



Day 1 


AM: Flight to Galapagos from Quito (or Guayaquil) Airport Upon arrival at Baltra Island airport (from Quito or Galapagos, travelers pass through an airport inspection point to insure that no foreign plants or animals are introduced to the islands. After clearing the entrance to the national park, our guide will meet you at the lobby, collect your luggage, and escort you on the short (15 minutes) bus ride to the Itabaca Channel. You will transport you aboard the M/C Yacht Catamaran ANAHI. Once on board, our crew welcomes you with a refreshing drink and after being accommodated in your cabins you are invited for lunch and after a short rest.


These two small beaches are found to the West of Turtle Cove.  Their sand is made of decomposed coral, which makes it white and soft, making it a favorite nesting site for sea turtles.  Behind one of the beaches there is a small brackish water lagoon, where occasionally is possible to observe flamingos and other coastal birds, such as black-necked stilts and whimbrels.  The other beach is longer, but it has two old barges, they were abandoned during the Second World War. It happened when the USA used Baltra Island as a strategically point to protect the Panama Channel.

Day 2 



This bay has origin when the crater of this island collapsed below sea level. The wet landing is on a beautiful white coral sandy beach. This is a favorite island for birdwatchers: red footed-booby, masked boobies, wandering tattlers, lava gulls, whimbrels Yellow-crowned, black-crowned and lava herons, with and yellow warblers can be seen in the area.
Continuing on the trail, visitors climb gradually to the edge of the cliff seeing Red-Foots nesting in the Mangrove trees below. Bird watching includes sightings of Sharp-Beaked Finches, Large Cactus and Ground Finches, Galapagos Doves and Swallow-Tailed Gulls. Reaching the end the trail at the cliff’s edge offers an incredible view of the island and the many birds living there.


El Barranco is located in the southern part of Darwin Bay and it is also known as Prince Philip’s Steps. Passengers will climb to a plateau that is part of the stretch of land that surrounds Darwin Bay on its eastern side. There is a big population of Masked boobies and Red-Footed boobies in the tree; Storm petrels and Short-eared Owls have found in Genovesa lava flows the ideal place for nesting.

Day 3 



Plazas is located at the east of Santa Cruz Island, and forms part of two islands known as Islas Plazas. Despite its small size, you can see some of the most interesting and outstanding species of the Galapagos. The Plazas land iguanas are smaller than its relatives found at other islands. Throughout the island are several hybrid iguanas, a result of crossing a male marine iguana and a female land iguana, they are unique, recognizable at first glance by their black/gray color, with a land iguana’s crest, but face and tail of the marine iguana. The big population of iguanas is due to the presence of  tunas, their favorite food.  You can see Swallow Tailed Gulls nesting along the cliffs with other sea bids as: Audubon shearwaters, red-billed tropicbirds, frigate birds and brown pelicans.


Located in the southeastern part of the Galapagos, this island was formed from an uplift instead than a volcanic origin, this is why is mostly flat. There are some theories which assure this could be the oldest island in the Archipielago. Santa Fe is the home of a number of endemic species like the Galapagos Hawk, Galapagos snake, Galapagos mockingbird, rice rats and one of the two species of lands Iguanas of the islands. After disembarkation in the beautiful and clear waters you will be in contact with one of the many sea lion colonies.  You can see many salt bushes along the trail as well giant Pickly pear cactus, gigantism is a characteristic of oceanic islands. There are great possibilities of snorkeling with playful sea lions and tropical fishes.

Day 4 



At dawn we will arrive at the northeast tip of San Cristóbal, Punta Pitt. There we will walk along a path that will guide us through colonies of frigates, swallow-tailed gulls, masked or Nazca boobies and blue-and-red-footed boobies. Punta Pitt is the only place in the Galápagos where the three species of pikemen are found together.


Embark on a snorkeling adventure at Kicker Rock, one of the most stunning landmarks in the Galápagos Islands that’s home to an incredibly diverse range of marine life that inhabits the nutrient-rich water. Explore the rock which rises 150m (492 ft) above the ocean's surface, and is divided into two parts by a narrow channel navigable by small vessels. See an array of sharks and fish that are drawn to the rock and provide for an exhilarating unique snorkeling experience.

Lobos Island: Located a half hour boat ride northeast of Puerto Baquerizo. As its name implies this is a large amount of sea lions with which one can swin and snorkel. Can also be seen nesting colonies of birds such as blue-footed boobies, masked and frigates.

Day 5 



You will visit the Breeding Center is a good place to observe Galapagos tortoises in its natural habitat.

San Cristobal island has endemic species such as: the Mockingbird  Nesomimus melanotis, lava lizard (Microlophus bivittatus), Chatham Leaf-toed Gecko (Phyllodactylus leei) and the tortoises. All of these species can be observed in this place, the beach is really big and it works as a nesting zone for marine tortoises.

After this morning excursion you will be taken to the airport for your flight to the mainland.

Important: Itineraries are unlikely to change significantly but are subject to change. Weather, wildlife breeding, safety concerns, instructions from the Galapagos National Park, specific abilities and interests of passengers as well as operational matters may cause your guide or captain to change the time or nature of visits. Your guide and captain will always endeavor to select the best itinerary within these limits.

Type Motor Catamaran
Category First Class
Year 2006
Lenght 90.50 ft / 27.60 m
Beam 36.08 ft / 11 m
Capacity 18 passengers (Authorization navigation : 16 passengers)
Main Engines 2 x John Deere IMO 300 HP each
Electric System 2 x 50 kw generators (IMO) (110v and 220v. AC)
Speed 10 knots
Water Capacity 3000 gal. plus water maker with capacity of 1000 gl/ day
Diesel Capacity 200 gallons
Material Construction Glass fiber
Interiors Wooden flooring
Exterior Teakwood flooring
Crew 9 + 1 Naturalist bilingual guide
Navegation and Safety Equipment
  • 148 miles Radar
  • Echosounder
  • GPS
  • One VHF radio
  • Magnetic compass
  • 2 Rigid life rafts for 15 passengers each
  • 30 SOLAS life jackets
  • fire & smoke detectors
  • complete fire system
  • 2 Zodiac rafts for 10 persons each
  • Safety equipment complies with international Coast Guard regulations
Accomodation 16 passengers in 6 twin bed cabins on main deck and and 2 suits on upper deck


Cost Includes:
  • All transfers in Galapagos: Airport-Yacht-Airport
  • Accommodation in double cabins
  • Three meals a day, drinking water, tea or coffe
  • Excursions in the islands with English Speaking Nature Guide.
Cost Excludes:
  • Galapagos National Park Tax: USD 100.00 to be paid in cash in Galapagos
  • Galapagos Transit Card: USD 20.00 per person
  • Soft drinks and alcoholics beverages
  • Tips
  • Snorkelling Equipment